will there be a version not using adobe air? Adobe air does not work anymore and you cant install it from where you could before, all you get from there is an html page telling you to switch to their new thing :p
The linux version depends on adobe air, which is the bulk of filesize on mac and windows. See this page for more details! https://boscaceoil.net/linux-info.html
I'm on mac, using the air version. none of the save/load .ceol or import from .mid buttons do anything. the export button prompts me for a file type, then depending on which export option I choose, a different variety of nothing will happen. if I select .wav, it plays through the song, then it ends, and the play button does nothing. if I instead select .mid, it just stops until I hit play again
So, um, I just bought this software and the instructions to install on linux didn't work, and it seems like AdobeAir was discontinued. Right now I'm running the windows version on Wine. The tool is great, but I think you need to update the linux version. I don't know, maybe I did something wrong? Thanks for making this tool!
This is really good. I'm having fun using it. BUT! Three changes that can improve it.
1# Patterns Window is too small to be convenient for bigger works. Suggestion: Make it able to be in separate window, so we could use it on secondary monitor. Or add categories by "instruments".
#2 New Pattern from existing. Suggestion: Small Icon on every Pattern, that will just do that.
#3 Advanced filter mode. Replace one notes line to be a “clickable” and when clicked, it will enable filter edit of that column.
This is the best tracker I've found so far. It's really helpful that it exports to MIDI. It would be really cool if it could export to other trackers so we could use this and then use them to export to console sound files
Most software isn't up and down. Only trackers are. Any DAW like Garageband, Logic, Pro Tools, Audacity, etc all use the horizontal layout. It might be best to get accustomed to it
Is this software what game makers use for music + sfx for their games?
There was this video that Sam Hogan made and one of the clips contained him making music for his video. I am asking this question because this software suspiciously looks like the one in his video.
I downloaded for Linux and after going through everything the music just doesn't play. I press space and the play button and it simply doesn't play. Anyone had this problem?
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wonderful program!! i really enjoy using it because it's intuitive and the instruments are cool.. thank you so much
will there be a version not using adobe air? Adobe air does not work anymore and you cant install it from where you could before, all you get from there is an html page telling you to switch to their new thing :p
Has anyone found a work around for this issue? I would love to get started with this program :)
I have stumbled upon something that works kind of, if I launch directly from WINRAR things seem to work fine...
521 kb for Linux??? why?
The linux version depends on adobe air, which is the bulk of filesize on mac and windows. See this page for more details! https://boscaceoil.net/linux-info.html
ok thanks
I'm on mac, using the air version. none of the save/load .ceol or import from .mid buttons do anything. the export button prompts me for a file type, then depending on which export option I choose, a different variety of nothing will happen. if I select .wav, it plays through the song, then it ends, and the play button does nothing. if I instead select .mid, it just stops until I hit play again
Please can we get faster more than 220 BPM?
A bummer you don't update it so mac version actually works :(
Not able to install AdobeAIR, which was discontinued, on Ubuntu.
yep, same issue here, the farthest i got is getting a popup saying it is discontinued... at least the windows version works with wine :)
Oh, I just forgot of Wine. Thanks.
would love to try but there's no stable update for mac :(
Hey Terry, Fyi - Chrome is blocking the zip download from your site. Maybe link to your itch download page? Just wanted to give you a heads up.
Everyone should use this tool ! It is amazing !
Please update for mac!
Very good program, cool ! Thank :)
So, um, I just bought this software and the instructions to install on linux didn't work, and it seems like AdobeAir was discontinued. Right now I'm running the windows version on Wine. The tool is great, but I think you need to update the linux version. I don't know, maybe I did something wrong? Thanks for making this tool!
Used this before but unfortunately it needs to be updated for Mac or the app can't be opened. Just giving you the heads up :)
You need to right click then click open and It will give you the option to open it. Its a mac over secure problem
Still doesn't work :( it says that it needs to be updated by the developer
This is really good. I'm having fun using it.
BUT! Three changes that can improve it.
1# Patterns Window is too small to be convenient for bigger works. Suggestion: Make it able to be in separate window, so we could use it on secondary monitor. Or add categories by "instruments".
#2 New Pattern from existing. Suggestion: Small Icon on every Pattern, that will just do that.
#3 Advanced filter mode. Replace one notes line to be a “clickable” and when clicked, it will enable filter edit of that column.
#2 already exists, you use middle mouse button and drag
I don’t have a single musical bone in my body. My little sister does though, and this is going to annoy her until I figure out how to music.
We need a new version for osx. Thanks!
Please add some way to mashup songs
This is the best tracker I've found so far. It's really helpful that it exports to MIDI. It would be really cool if it could export to other trackers so we could use this and then use them to export to console sound files
Can I shift layout from left to right
To up to down.
That would be a lot useful. Most softwares are in up to down layout. It will be helpful for everyone
Most software isn't up and down. Only trackers are. Any DAW like Garageband, Logic, Pro Tools, Audacity, etc all use the horizontal layout. It might be best to get accustomed to it
most of piano type DAWs have horizontal layout.
Is this software what game makers use for music + sfx for their games?
There was this video that Sam Hogan made and one of the clips contained him making music for his video. I am asking this question because this software suspiciously looks like the one in his video.
Yeah people use this to make music and stuff. Brackeys has a good tutorial on how to use this.
So I tried to open it, but it told me to get Adobe Air. I installed Adobe Air and it still tells me to do this or contact the creator. So here I am.
The online version is gone.
Yo! Check your SEO, searching Bosca Ceoil online shows the HTML:
I never knew this was by Terry Cavanaugh lmao
We use yay around here, not yaourt...
cannot export files
'S math fhein!
Is breá liom mo bhosca ceoil! Go raibh míle maith agat <3
the UI is super cute~
hopin hard for a 64-bit version;;;
Then don't use mac.
hmmmmm... I wonder why he isn't doing that.
it says Failed - download error whenver it finishes it still says that when i try to do it from the website
online is failing
because it doesnt exist on dns
Make a CTRL + Z shortcut pleaseeee ...
or at least an undo button
I downloaded for Linux and after going through everything the music just doesn't play. I press space and the play button and it simply doesn't play. Anyone had this problem?
I can't even open it on linux.
Yeah, i found out the best way is just to download wine and download the windows version
By now the Adobe Air installation instructions for Linux don't work anymore either, so Wine all the way
Link to online version broken and mac not updated.
yeah same
Can you please update it for mac? It won't run!