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I can't download the original version from their website for some reason. whenever I click the download button, nothing happens. Is this Version safe

Holy sheep! This DAW is freakingly awesome!


The tool stopped working suddendly. He keeps saying that I need a Adobe AIR version that don't exist. It is downloaded but it has the same error as before.


Found this while browsing for music tools to mess with here on itch,
actually surprised that no one's mentioned the fact that the name is Irish Gaelic for 'Music Box' or 'Music Bin'

Mlk tem visão

very épico


Does anyone know how to glissando? (kind of slide between 2 notes)


kinda like pitch bending you mean?


It's very good, but something that could maybe be added is slides. (Sounds that slide from one note to another note)

(3 edits) (+4)

For everyone having issues with Mac; apparently Apple dropped support for 32 bit apps, which I am assuming this is.

I find it kind of irritating that Apple dropped support for that and gives users a generic error message saying to contact developers to update their apps.

You can workaround this by installing a virtual environment and running an older version of Mac. One guide I came across is here:

A Linux/Windows user.

edit: there's also a comment further down where a user reportedly found an alternative solution:

While apreciate you replyingbut I was wondering if you knew any way to run it using monterey?

Apple deprecated 32 bit app support with Catalina. If that is the reason this app is not working on Monterey, you would have to use Mojave or earlier.

This is one of the many reasons I prefer Windows. As long as you have the lastest Windows OS you might be able to run most Windows programs, even if they were made for a older OS.

(1 edit)

the current version does not work with my mac, can you send me a updated version?

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm sorry, this needs to be updated to work with mac OS Monterey


Adobe AIR unfortunately is no longer available on Linux distros, but I'll try out the browser version!

Good luck running the web version since it ran on flash

try ruffle (flash emulator), or if you have a windows PC, try CleanFlash (on W10 and below), or CleanFlash+IE Hack (W11+). Video Tutorial


Wow, perfect for early 90s MS-DOS style music!


this is such an amazing tool


fantastic tool!


This is fantastic. Thank you so much for making this!


Hi, i see Your tool have lot of instruments, can you tell me what instrument can give me more tribal sounding ?


I was excited to use this... but it no longer works on mac...

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Me too...

You can use the online version of it which runs in the browser. Its available in the bosca ceoil website

Online version doesn't work for me, "this site can't be reached"

I can't use this software in the web version and the download version on my Mac too

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

imma make music for my doom mod with this


Hello, I'm excited to use BC but it won't run on my machine. Any chance of an update for Macs running Big Sur?


Same problem on Mac Monteray (latest mac update)


Hey, where can I find the exe file?


it’s in the boscaceoil_win_v2 .zip file extract it first


Hey, peeps - do you wish to partake in a friendly competition between fellow Bosca Ceoil users? Look no further, I created the Bosca Ceoil Arena on Reddit, a small community that I barely started a few days ago. Check it out here:


My M1 Big Sur (11.6) throws “The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for more information.” Any updates?


Wait you are the creator of Bosca Ceoil! That is so cool! I use that to make all music for my games!

I'd love to use this tool, but the Archlinux air package is gone, and thus I can not execute this. I have tried my best - Could you get rid of air maybe?



was really excited to use this but it wont open on mac at all..

Great software!



it's already there

boscaceoil_mac_v2.zip24 MB

it's really useful and super user friendly but sometimes if you tab out of it you can't place anything and the only way to fix it is to stop everything and restart it

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

Nope... I guess


it is just ..... really great

(1 edit) (+1)

Great piece of software!  perfect for beginners (such as my self).

I do have some ideas of what would make better though.

1# ability to import samples to use as instruments.

I feel like this would give music way more variety and make songs sound more interesting. Say, for example, i was trying to make to make some electronic sci-fi esc music, and i wasn't satisfied with the default instruments.  I could create and name a new instrument, and select a sample, such as a short .wav file.

2# plugin support.

add support for community made plugins.

 these are just my  ideas for this once again great program.

Hope you see this, Terry!

can it have plug inns


Can You Please Update The Software For The Newest Mac Version? I Really Like The Software But The Latest Mac Updates Prevent The Software From Being Opened Cause It's Out-Dated And Needs To be Updated. Thank You!


Has anybody found a way to get this to work without Adobe Air? I had it on my old PC and loved creating music with it.


Any chance someone has the AdobeAIRSDK.tbz2 archive for linux saved? Adobe have replaced the link with a blog post.

Go raibh maith agat

It's archived at that address on So it runs but makes no sound now. Okay.


I can't save my project. I name it, I choose where I want to save it, and when I click on the "save" button, nothing happens. Help me !!!!!


Got it working with MacOS 11.2.3 (Big Sur)!

I was able to download the newest Adobe AIR from here: Harman AIR Runtime (from Adobe's blog post regarding Harman taking over AIR development). Download the AIR runtime. Install from the .dmg file.

I then downloaded the Bosca Ceoil V2 Windows or Mac AIR script (boscaceoil_v2_windows_or_mac.air) linked above. I installed the script via AIR.

The first time I ran Bosca Ceoil the GUI looked crazy, lot's of horizontal black lines all over. Quitting and re-running the app got it working fine. Yay!


OMG, this works! I use macOS Catalina and I’ve been searching all over for a way to run it. This is the first one that worked! Thank you!

Worked for me too, thank you, friend!!!!

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